Bedrock’s patented technology is helping to make the Hydrogen Economy a reality.
Bedrock embraces the concept of on-site generation and storage of Hydrogen.
Designed to accomodate frequent pressure cycles with signficant discharge rates while minimizing temperature effects
Avoids embrittlement issues inherent with the storage of hydrogen.
Double walled storage is designed to contain a failure.
Subsurface configuration isolates an uncontroled release to the underground silo, designed to mitigate damage.
Much safer and more cost effective than above ground storage.
Completely scalable design for any size project.
Cellular design is much safe and allows for storage to remain operational when maintenance is performed.
One acre can contain 12 million cubic feet of stored natural gas or 25MT of stored hydrogen. All gasses being stored at approximately 5000 psi. Hydrogen stored at pressures above 10,000 psi will double the density.

Bedrock’s storage system was designed and certified by DNV for natural gas. See Patents and Certifications Tab. This design has been modified for hydrogen storage. All tests have been successfully completed and the hydrogen design is now being examined for hydrogen certification and DNV endorsement.
On-site, large volume storage is key in the a transition to a Hydrogen economy. Bedrock storage pods are the economical and answer.